Photos from the Pine Trail Run 2023
Below are the photos we received from the Pine Trail Run for 2023.
It was a VERY long day, especially for those that were still working the event at the end. Luckily we did not have to pull our last two operators off of Milk Ranch Point prior to the last runner being found on the trail.
All in all, the event went very well with some lessons learned and some room for improvement, but overall very well. We did not lose any runners and there were no serious injuries despite Pat (KD6PZB) having a close call on the way home due to an impaired driver knocking his mirror off shortly after leaving the Net Control Station after the race.
We plan to do a debrief at the May TARA Meeting on May 13th,
So … here are the photos. If you have any that are not here, email them to the webmaster and we will get them posted.