TARA Repeaters

TARA maintains 2 repeaters located in Payson, Arizona. One is on the 2 Meters band and the other is on 70 Centimeters band.

VHF: 147.390, +.600 KHz Offset (147.990), PL: 100.0 OPERATIONAL

UHF: 448.775, -5 MHz Offset (443.775), PL: 77.0 OFF FOR REPROGRAMMING

TARA DMR Brandmeister TG-311568 (Group Call)


  • Thursday Evening is Trivia Night!  Join us on the VHF Repeater at 1930 hours (Arizona Time) for a fun half hour of Trivia!
  • Thursday Evening: We hold a Social net every Thursday evening at 2000 hours (Arizona Time). on the VHF Repeater. The topic of discussion will be chosen by the Net Control Operator (volunteers welcome) with suggestions directed to Bruce Johnson, N7DDT. This is a directed net, but visitors and guests are always welcome. JOIN US!

Club Member Repeaters

All-Star Node: 526070, 147.500 MHz, Simplex, PL 107.2 – ID: KD6PZB located in Payson Arizona.

Winlink VARA RMS N7DDT-10  145.070 MHz  9600 Baud located in Rim Trail Arizona.

Strawberry550 GMRS Repeater located in Strawberry Arizona (5 mile radius) – GMRS Repeater channel 15 (462.5500, +5 MHZ on transmit) with a tone of 186.2

Repeater Etiquette

Note: These repeaters and require a valid FCC License of Technician or above, or a valid GMRS license for the Strawberry550 repeater, by all operators. If you do not have such a license but would like to participate, why not come to our next monthly meeting and find out how to get one? Meetings are held at 9 AM on the 2nd Saturday of each month at the Payson Center for Success next to the High School. 

Click here for Repeater Etiquette