TARA Membership

Application: TARA-Membership-Application


Please return the Membership Application to the club treasurer Danette Key along with the dues of $35.  If enrolling a spouse, please return a separate application for her/him. No dues are required for a spouse.  Dues may also be mailed to the P.O. Box noted at the bottom of this page.

Club Officers for 2024

Elected Positions:
President                                 Rick Lovdahl – KJ7ROX
Vice President                      Pat McDonald – KD6PZB
Secretary                                  John Swenson – W7VNO
Treasurer                                 Danette Key – KI7VEY
Trustee                                     Todd Longfellow – N7TWL
Trustee                                     Bob Mell – KJ7ZTF
Appointed Positions:
Public Information Officer         Ron Acosta – K9PAZ – PIO@N7TAR.org 
Webmaster                                          Forrest (Woody) Phillips – KJ7YYI – n7tar.tara@gmail.com
Repeater Trustee                              Bruce Johnson – N7DDT
Our Groups.IO Page is : https://groups.io/g/TARA-n7tar/topics
Our Facebook page is: https://www.facebook.com/N7TAR

Our Mailing address is: P.O. Box 765, Payson, AZ  85547-0765

Meetings are held at 9:00 am on the second Saturday of the month. We meet at the Payson Center for Success, an alternative high school, located at 514 W. Wade Ln. This location is right behind Payson High School. The map shows a big red arrow. Parking is next to the building on the right-hand side. PCS is handicap accessible.  Click on the picture below to see a large, clear image.

TARA is a proud supporter of Science In Motion!

Header picture of the Mogollon Rim courtesy of Cliff De Magri (SK), KO6ZW – Your gentle soul is greatly missed.