Over 50% of US Homeowners and 70% of Renters (Probably even higher in Rim Country!) depend entirely upon cell-phones to stay in touch with our friends, our families, and Emergency Services. Cell phones, in turn, depend upon billions of dollars of technology not to fail. Here in Rim Country we experience severe storms, fires, flooding events and power shutdowns – events that disrupt vital communications services and can place lives at risk.

For years, Amateur Radio Operators (aka “Hams”), have used radios when normal communications fail. Radio also aids First Responders during disasters. However, it’s become increasingly critical for “The Rest of Us,” our families, our friends, and our community, to also have access to reliable communications when cell phone and Internet services fail. Getting a Ham Radio license requires passing a test beyond the interests of most. But there are radio alternatives that citizens can use without passing a test. Pine/Strawberry residents can learn how to use simple & affordable ($35 covers your immediate family for 10 years) GMRS radios to communicate when phone and Internet services are disabled.

Below are links to area Neighborhood Radio Watch programs for various communities in Rim Country.

Beaver Valley: https://beavervalleyestates.org/neighborhood-radio-watch/

Pine Strawberry: https://psnrw.org

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