1. TRUE or FALSE – Today is National change your password day.


2. How far can a signal of a typical FM radio station using a transmit power of 100K watts be heard if there is no interference?

A. 50 to 70 miles
B. 70 to 90 miles
C. 100 to 150 miles


3. The TV sitcom "Leave It To Beaver" ran from 1957 to 1963. Originally the show's title was completely different. It was not "Leave It To Beaver." What was its original title?

A. It's A Small World
B. Wally And The Beave
C. Mayfield


4. Disney World is enormous with a total of 25,000 acres. Only 12,500 acres are used for guests. Why is the other 12,500 acres not used?

A. Disney corp. leases the remaining land to various businesses.
B. The remaining land is not used and is kept as a conservation area.
C. Disney corp. is restricted from expanding because of endangered wildlands and wildlife.


5. In the State of Arizona, what are the average daily receipt totals for a basic restaurant?

A. $1,400 per day
B. $1,600 per day
C. $1,800 per day


6. What did the very first webcam ever stream in 1993?

A. A campus school yard
B. An offramp of a local freeway
C. A coffee pot


7. TRUE or FALSE – The biggest snowflake ever recorded was a whopping 15 inches wide and 8 inches thick.


8. Where is the Town of Payson Arizona's weather station?

A. At the Mazatzal Casino
B. The Payson Town Hall Complex
C. The Payson Airport


9. What percentage of the population are allergic to cats?

A. 10%
B. 23%
C. 27%


10. TRUE or FALSE – A Monopoly game was once played on a high school football field in which the students involved actually played the pieces. The game took 70 days to complete.



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