1. Regarding ham radio products. Which company introduced the first synthesized two meter, 440 type hand held to the market?
A. Radio Shack
B. Yaesu
C. Icom
2. This actor is the only actor in television history that played three (3) recurring roles in three (3) different TV shows at the same time. Who was he?
A. Peter Falk
B. Frank Cady
C. James Garner
3. Amanda Blake, who played Miss. Kitty in the television show "Gun Smoke" passed away on August 16, 1989 in Sacramento, CA. She was 60 years old. What was her cause of death?
A. Cancer
B. Suicide
C. Complications from AIDS
4. The citizen band handles "Bandit", and the "Snowman" were used in what 1977 American, action-comedy film? What was the name of this film?
A. Convoy
B. Moving on
C. Smokey And The Bandit
5. Who is the current host of the game show Jeopardy?
A. Mayim Bialik
B. Ken Jennings
C. Ryan Seacrest
6. What is the name of the old man character in Jeff Dunham's acts?
A. Grand pa
B. Melvin
C. Walter
7. The longest road in the World is 13,670 miles long and runs from Cape Town, South Africa to Magdan, Russia. How many different Countries does this roadway cross?
A. 9
B. 17
C. 21
8. In the board game of chess, when you or your opponent calls out the word "checkmate", what is being proclaimed?
A. The King is dead
B. Finished
C. The end
9. Which President was the only U.S. President to believe that the Earth is flat?
A. George Washington
B. Andrew Jackson
C. James Monroe
10. TRUE or FALSE - The Boeing 737 jet liner is nicknamed "Fat Albert."
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