1. The bronze sculpture of the Elk in the center piece at highway 87 and Tyler Parkway in the town of Payson cost how much from beginning to end? Was it ...

A. $64,000
B. $89,000
C. $107,000


2. The television actor from the TV series "Rifle Man, 1958 to 1963", by the acting name of Chuck Connors. Also was a professional baseball player. Before his ABC appearance. What team did Mr. Connors play for? Was it ...

A. Chicago Cubs
B. Chicago White Socks
C. Detroit Tigers


3. The planets of Uranus and Neptune had a fly by, by this space vehicle in 1986 & 1989. The only space vehicle to actually do this feat. What was the name of this space vehicle? Was it ...

A. Pioneer 10
B. New Horizon
C. Voyager II


4. How many spaces are there on a Scrabble board? Is it ...

A. 192
B. 225
C. 243


5. For a deck of cards to be shuffled correctly and fairly. How many complete shuffles should be done? Is it ...

A. 3
B. 5
C. 7


6. TRUE or FALSE - If a person picked up a penny off the ground every second and could average that pace for an hour. He or she would collect a total of $36.00


7. On average, how much do Americans spend on toothpaste each year?

A. 8.5 Million Dollars
B. 1 Billion Dollars
C. 1.5 Billion Dollars


8. The very first toilet ever seen on a television show was ... ?

A. Leave it to Beaver
B. I love Lucy
C. The Dick Van Dyke Show


9. On average, how many homes do you look at before buying the one that you like?

A. 3
B. 5
C. 8


10. What was the first product Wile Coyote ever ordered from the ACME company?

A. Rocket skates
B. A Boomerang
C. A Super Suit



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