1. The World's windiest location is an area known as: "Commonwealth Bay, Antarctica." How fast do the winds blow in this part of the World?

A. 85 MPH
B. 120 MPH
C. 150 MPH


2. The only rock in the World that can float on water is called ...

A. Pumice
B. Basalt
C. Dolostone


3. The average human brain has what percentage of water mass?

A. 62%
B. 80%
C. 87%


4. TRUE or FALSE – There was once a U.S. State named "Franklin." Eventually the State was dropped becoming part of Tennessee.


5. Who was Gary Morton?

A. A famous fictional author
B. An inventor
C. Married to a well known Television Icon


6. The smallest church within the United States is located where?

A. Georgia
B. West Virginia
C. Nevada


7. TRUE or FALSE – Ostriches can run faster than horses?


8. In the filming of the classic film: The Wizard of Oz. How much was Toto the dog, family paid per week?

A. $125.00
B. $243.00
C. $316.00


9. According to scientific research. What type of music causes chickens to lay more eggs?

A. Smooth Jazz
B. Pop
C. Rock


10. What is the maximum air speed a commercial airliner is allowed to fly?

A. 475 MPH
B. 500 MPH
C. 580 MPH



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