1. How much does a giraffe's heart weigh?

A. 5 pounds
B. 15 pounds
C. 25 pounds


2. On average how long does a person spend on the phone within their lifetime?

A. 6 months
B. 1 year
C. 2 years


3. The longest kiss on record lasted for how long?

A. 73 Hours
B. 213 Hours
C. 417 Hours


4. Most babies are born in which month of the year?

A. December
B. June
C. August


5. The largest clock face is located in which Country?

A. Saudi Arabia
B. Turkey
C. India


6. True or False – The first fish in space was a Gold fish.


7. True or False – The board game "Trivial Pursuit" has sold over 1 million copies Worldwide. It is also in 26 countries and in 17 different languages. With sales of well over a billion dollars. The first Trivial Pursuit game cost $75 to produce and sold originally for $15.00


8. Each year Mexico City sinks just a little bit more. Due to the aquifer being depleted to supply the 8 million citizens with water. How far is this city sinking each year?

A. 10 inches
B. 20 inches
C. 30 inches


9. Watering with a typical sprinkler. Using a standard 5/8" garden hose. How much water would you use in an hour?

A. 300 gallons
B. 750 gallons
C. Over 1,000 gallons


10. The common garden worm has how many pair of hearts?

A. 2
B. 5
C. 7



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