1. The first cloned mammal occurred in 1996. What was this mammal?

A. Dog
B. Cat
C. Lamb


2. TRUE or FALSE – Comets speed up as they approach the Sun and slow down as they move away from it.


3. Besides money, in ancient Rome. Some citizens paid their taxes in what other commodity?

A. Spices
B. Perfumes
C. Honey


4. Male sea lions can go how long without eating?

A. a week
B. a month
C. three months


5. On average, how long does an Elephant sleep per 24-hour day?

A. 2 Hours
B. 6 Hours
10 Hours


6. On the season finale of M*A*S*H which aired on February 28.1983. How many people across the United States watched that show?

A. 53 Million
B. 106 Million
C. 143 Million


7. Hugh Beaumont was the actor who played the father figure on the popular TV show "Leave It To Beaver," from 1957 thru 1963. When Mr. Beaumont wasn't on screen. what did he do for a living?

A. A manager at A&P Markets
B. A plumber
C. A Methodist minister


8. Who played the song: "A Taste Of Honey" released in 1965?

A. Burt Bacharach
B. Louie Armstrong
C. Herb Alpert


9. The famous ice cream sundae was invented in what year?

A. 1875
B. 1902
C. 1915


10. Which planet within our solar system has the most moons? At last count that number was 66.

A. Saturn
B. Jupiter
C. Neptune



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