1. The Komodo dragon is the longest lizard in the World and is from a few islands in Indonesian. This dragon has been known to have actually killed 5 people. How long is this dragon?
A. 10 feet
B. 15 feet
C. 23 feet
2. TRUE or FALSE – The toy, Mr. Potato Head once received votes to be the mayor of Boise, Idaho.
3. Napoleon Bonaparte was afraid of what animals?
A. Dogs
B. Cats
C. Cows
4. Avila Beach is located in which State?
A. Florida
B. Oregon
C. California
5. "Ice Cream month" is which month of the year?
A. May
B. June
C. July
6. Which Country eats the most cheese per person, per year?
A. The United States
B. France
C. Germany
7. Who is Ward Silver?
A. A famous artist
B. A doctor of Psychiatry
C. The editor of ARRL Handbook
8. TRUE or FALSE – There is a written "Amateur Radio Code of Conduct?"
9. Most cans of Chicken Noodle soup are sold during which month of the year?
A. October
B. January
C. February
10. The longest lighting bolt ever recorded was how long?
A. 33 miles
B. 61 miles
C. 118 miles
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