1. What people were the first to exchange Christmas gifts?
A. The Germans
B. The Swedes
C. The Romans
2. TRUE or FALSE – All the stars and planets within the Milky Way galaxy make one complete revolution every 200 million years?
3. On average, how long does it take an Ostrich egg to hatch?
A. 39 Days
B. 42 Days
C. 53 Days
4. On average how many people are reportedly missing within the United States?
A. 15,000
B. 52,000
C. 100,000
5. In 1939, a woman attempted to assassinate this female actress as she was singing the song "Silent Night" on a local radio show. Who was this actress?
A. Shirley Temple
B. Judy Garland
C. Dolly Dawn
6. Fingerprinting was developed as a crime fighting tool. But was not taken seriously until years later. Even Scotland Yard was not convinced in this new crime fighting art form. What year was fingerprinting introduced by Dr. Henry Faulds?
A. 1886
B. 1902
C. 1913
7. In 1967, an original animated cartoon came out on ABC television. It ran for a total of 17 episodes. The animated character whose name was George was told to watch out for something in the opening song. What was he told to watch out for?
A. Natives
B. Elephants
C. Trees
8. Walt Disney (1901-1966 = 65 Years old) was from where originally?
A. Los Angeles, CA
B. Houston, TX
C. Chicago, IL
9. TRUE or FALSE – Clouds fly higher during the day time than they do at night.
10. What is the official State snack of Utah?
A. Pretzels
B. Jell-O
C. Almonds
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