1. TRUE or FALSE - In Helsinki, Finland if your vehicle is found to be in a simple parking violation. Instead of receiving a parking ticket, the police will deflate your vehicles tires.
2. In the State of Kentucky it is required by law that you do this at least once a year. What is it?
A. Register to vote
B. Take a bath
C. Pay their property takes
3. In ancient Egypt it was against the law, punishable by death, to do what?
A. To party on the Sabbath
B. To yell within the government chambers
C. To kill a cat
4. This magazine was first published in 1954 and is based in New York City. The name of this magazine is:
A. Sport Illustrated
B. Popular Mechanics
C. Home & Gardens
5. How many pounds of food does an average person eat during their lifetime?
A. A. 27,000 Pounds
B. 44,000 Pounds
C. 60,000 Pounds
6. TRUE or FALSE – Two-hundred million M&M's are sold everyday in the United States?
7. During World War II, American soldiers trained what to drop bombs?
A. Pigeons
B. Hawks
C. Bats
8. The sport of Karate originated in what Country?
A. India
B. Japan
C. Indonesia
9. What, blue-skinned characters took North America by storm in 1981?
A. The Blue Man Group
B. Blue's clues
C. The Smurfs
10. As of the year 2023, which National Park is the deadliest in the United States?
A. Death Valley N.P. in California
B. Yosemite N.P. in California
C. Grand Canyon N.P. in Arizona
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