1. Giant tortoises are known to live for how many years?
A. 65 years
B. 100 years
C. 150 years
2. How many minutes per day do children color, between the ages of 2 and 7 years old?
A. 14 minutes
B. 28 minutes
C. 37 minutes
3. How many miles apart are Russia and the United States at their nearest point?
A. 3 miles
B. 18 miles
C. 23 miles
4. The average adult spends how long taking a shower?
A. 8 minutes
B. 12 minutes
C. 16 minutes
5. True or False – A Tarantula can spin their own web?
6. True or False – Squirrels usually live longer in captivity than in the wild?
7. The Worlds smallest painting was painted on what?
A. A flower petal
B. A dime
C. A grain of corn
8. How many years did it take Leonardo da Vinci to paint Mona Lisa's lips?
A. Six months
B. Five years
C. 12 years
9. What is the average width of a traffic lane on a 2-lane roadway?
A. 12 feet
B. 14 feet
C. 16 feet
10. What did Charlie Brown's dad do for a living?
A. A tow truck driver
B. A barber
C. A handyman
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