1. What is the most common mammal within the United States?
A. Black Bear
B. A cottontail rabbit
C. A House mouse
2. What is the longest-running animated series on TV?
A. The Simpsons
B. South Park
C. Poke 'Mon
3. True or False - Many hamsters only blink one eye at a time
4. True or False – The loudest bird in the World is known as the "Male Bellbird." This bird is found in parts of Central and South America. He can be heard for over a mile away.
5. Upon leaving a cave, bats will always fly…
A. Straight out
B. They will turn left
C. They will turn right
6. When using a paper map, the direction of North is located where?
A. At the top
B. To the right
C. To the left
7. Which is the only bird that can fly backwards?
A. The Blue jay
B. The Amazon Parrot
C. The hummingbird
8. Sharks can travel at a maximum speed of:
A. 25 MPH
B. 30 MPH
C. 40 MPH
9. The first five books of the Bible are known as what?
A. The great Five Books
B. The Torah
C. In The beginning
10. The State flag of Alaska was designed by whom?
A. A fourteen-year-old student
B. The American Flag Co.
C. A Mom and daughter team
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