1. True or False - Within the Tonto Amateur Radio group there are more extra licensed hams than any other class license?


2. The average person speaks an average of how many words per day?

A. 15,000
B. 27,000
C. 31,500


3. In the state of Arizona what is not allowed to sleep in bathtubs?

A. Men
B. Rattle snakes
C. Donkeys


4. Pirates thought wearing an earring would improve their what?

A. Intelligence
B. Eyesight
C. Their ability to find hidden treasure


5. The very first living creature to orbit the Earth in a space craft was a what?

A. A dog
B. A pair of mice
C. A monkey


6. A Cheetah can reach a top running speed of about 45 miles per hour. In what time span can they accomplish this feat?

A. Two seconds
B. 15 seconds
C. 22 seconds


7. How long does it take food to travel from your month to your stomach, after chewing?

A. Seven seconds
B. 42 seconds
C. Over a minute


8. What 1960's TV sit com had nine comic books written about the show?

A. Petticoat Junction
B. Green Acres
C. Hogan's Heroes


9. What was the longest running Police/Crime show to air on American television and movies combined?

A. Law & Order 1990-2010 = 20 years
B. Criminal Minds 2005-2020 = 15 years
C. Columbo 1968-2003 = 35 years


10. What music genres are responsible for American sitcom soundtracks?

A. Soft Rock
B. Pop Music
C. Jazz



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