1. True or False - There is such a town as Ding-Dong, Texas?
2. As humans we shed our skin annually. How many pounds of skin do we shed on average, in a year?
A. 8 pounds
B. 12 pounds
16 pounds
3. What zoo has the largest collection of animals in the World?
A. The zoo of Paris, France
B. The New York City Zoo
The San Diego Zoo
4. How many stitches does the average baseball have?
A. 92
B. 108
C. 123
5. What's the highest altitude that the FAA has authorized a commercial aircraft to fly?
A. 37,000 feet
B. 39,500 feet
C. 42,000 feet
6. On average, how much time is spent by adults eating per day?
A. 77 minutes
B. 90 minutes
C. 105 minutes
7. True or False – Boys are more likely to be left-handed than girls.
8. In general, what is the most common phobia amongst people?
A. Fear of Injections
B. Fear of the Dentist
C. Fear of Spiders
9. On a clear and unobstructed night how far away could you see the light beam of a standard flashlight?
A. Five miles
B. 20 miles
C. 50 miles
10. Most burglaries occur in what season of the year?
A. Summer
B. Spring
C. Winter
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