1. Today in History – In 1967, Johnny Carson quit the "Tonight Show" on NBC. He was demanding a salary increase and NBC producers said "NO." After three weeks the producers caved and gave him what he wanted. How much money did Johnny Carson ask for additional, per week?
A. $10,000
B. $20,000
C. $30,000
2. In movie theaters, what percentage of movie guests are over the age of 21?
A. 60%
B. 70%
C. 80%
3. According to insiders within the movie theater industry. What snack should really be avoided?
A. Evening popcorn
B. Sprite Soda
C. Pretzels
4. What city in the World has the most trees of any other?
A. Tampa, Florida
B. Singapore
C. Maui Hawaii
5. How many pounds of coffee does Dutch Brothers produce each year?
A. 500,000 Pounds
B. 1 Million Pounds
C. 2 Million Pounds
6. How much money is spent on average towards chocolate and candy for Easter?
A. 750 Million Dollars
B. 2.5 Billion Dollars
C. 3 Billion Dollars
7. As a child who has moved out of their parents' home. What percentage of parents still send their kids an Easter Basket for the Holiday?
A. 35%
B. 47%
C. 60%
8. What percentage of parents take candy from their children's stash for themselves?
A. 44%
B. 66%
C. 81%
9. The largest Easter egg hunt took place in Winter Haven Florida, southwest of Disney World in April of 2007. How many eggs were hidden for this event?
A. 500,000 eggs
B. 250,000 eggs
C. 100,000 eggs
10. On average, how many people will attend Church on Easter Sunday?
A. 40 Million People
B. 80 Million People
C. 120 Million People
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