1. Who ended his television news broadcast with these words… "That's the way it is." Was it...

A. Chet Huntley
B. Tom Brokaw
C. Walter Cronkite


2. In what year were the first cup holders installed in movie theaters? Was it...

A. 1977
B. 1981
C. 1987


3. True or False – Squirrels can climb trees faster then they can run along the ground


4. What color are mosquitoes attacked to the most?

A. Blue
B. Yellow
C. Orange


5. On average how many flowers does a bee have to visit to make a spoonful of honey? Is it...

A. 500
B. 1,000
C. 5,000


6. What type of music causes termites to eat through wood faster than any other? Is it...

A. Rock
B. Jazz
C. Country


7. How fast is an average sneeze? Is it...

A. 50 Miles Per Hour
B. 100 Miles Per Hour
C. 125 Miles Per Hour


8. The night of April 15.1912, the Carpathia received a distress call from the Titanic. When the Carpathia arrived on scene of the disaster. How many lives did they pull on board from the lifeboats? Was it...

A. less then 500
B. 705
C. 925e


9. What is the most commonly used word in English conversation? Is it...

A. And
B. I
C. The


10. What is the percentage of Americans that eat at McDonald's every day? Is it...

A. 7%
B. 11%
C. 16%



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