1. Every year Webster's Dictionary picks there most favorite word of the year. What was the word that they picked for this year (2023)?
A. Election
B. Controversy
C. Authentic
2. This famous comedian. Who had a six-decade television career, died on April 06, 2017 from kidney failure. Who was this comedian?
A. Phyllis Diller
B. Don Rickles
C. Jack Klugman
3. What is America's favorite color?
A. Blue
B. Red
C. Green
4. What was the most watched television program in American history?
A. The finale episode of M*A*S*H
B. Roots
C. The Apollo 11 Moon Landing
5. Who is the number 1 cartoon character of all time?
A. Bugs Bunny
B. Micky Mouse
C. The Road Runner
6. In reference to overall customer service, which of these companies has rated number 1?
A. Wal*Mart
B. Target
C. Costco
7. What State leads the Nation with the deadliest and most damaging wildfires?
A. Alaska
B. Arizona
C. California
8. TRUE or FALSE / The New York Yankees have won more titles than any other US major professional sports team franchises of all time.
9. TRUE or FALSE / Coyotes are illegal to hunt within the United States?
10. When was the first refrigerator developed?
A. 1899
B. 1913
C. 1916
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