1. Who was the host of "NBC Late Night" before Johnny Carson took over on October 1, 1962?

A. Jack Benny
B. Jack Parr
C. Jackie Gleason


2. The President's Jet, called Air Force One, can fly at what top speed?

A. 500 Miles Per Hour
B. 600 Miles Per Hour
C. 700 Miles Per Hour


3. What year was the first printing press invented?

A. 1440
B. 1532
C. 1631


4. What is the largest Bank in the United States?

A. Bank of America
B. Wells Fargo
C. JP Morgan Chase


5. What flower do women like the most?

A. Roses
B. Tulips
C. Orchids


6. What do Dads like best for Christmas?

A. Tickets To A pro sports event
B. High Tech Gadgets
C. A high-definition Television


7. What do Moms like best for Christmas?

A. Foot Massager
B. Cutting Board and Accessories
C. Seeing the grandkids


8. TRUE or FALSE – The United States wastes about 170,000 pounds of food per day.


9. The Voyager 1 spacecraft was lunched on September 5th, 1977, and is traveling at about 38,000 miles per hour (or approximately one million miles every 27 hours) away from Earth. It is still able to communicate with Earth ground radio stations. It takes the radio signal about 26 hours to get to us traveling at the speed of light, which is approximately 186,000 miles per second. How many watts is Voyager 1 using to transmit its signal back to Earth?

A. 20 watts
B. 200 watts
C. 2,000 watts


10. Realizing that there are approximately 24 hours in a day, how many minutes are in a day?

A. 1,222 Minutes
B. 1,440 Minutes
C. 1,506 Minutes



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