1. TRUE or FALSE – Each king in a deck of playing cards represents a great king from history; King David – Spades, Alexander The Great – Clubs, Charles The Great – Hearts, Julius Caesar – Diamonds
2. What is the percentage of men who wash their hands after using the restroom?
A. 45%
B. 55%
C. 70%
3. What is the percentage of women who wash their hands after using the restroom?
A. 63%
B. 71%
C. 80%
4. What percentage of people have claimed to have actually spoken with Satan personally?
A. 5%
B. 15%
C. 27%
5. What is the largest delivery company in the World?
A. Amazon
C. FedEx
6. Which major league sports organization is watched the most by the general public?
A. Basketball
B. Baseball
C. Football
7. TRUE or FALSE – The larger the navel in an Orange the sweeter it will be.
8. Where did the doughnut originate?
A. Holland
B. Germany
C. Canada
9. What is an LDE, also known as a "long delay echo"?
A. You have a high SWR and should stop transmitting
B. Your signal went around the World and you're hearing yourself
C. You're over driving your microphone and need to turn it down
10. What is America's number one card game?
A. Spades
B. Poker
C. Bridge
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