1. The Worlds heaviest man was Robert Earl Hughes. He was born in 1926 and passed away in 1958 at the age of 32. How much did Mr. Hughes weigh at his heaviest ? Was he:
A. 672 Pounds
B. 841 Pounds
C. 1,071 Pound
2. The court case that brought you your rights. You know the statement that starts off: "You have the right to remain silent, etc. is called the Miranda warning. This case was called: Miranda vs. Arizona. What year was this case decided?
A. 1962
B. 1966
C. 196
3. As a ham radio operator, you are transmitting on 18.142 MHz. USB what meter band are you in ?
A. 12 Meter Band
B. 15 Meter Band
C. 17 Meter Band
4. This once thriving gold mining town once had a population of over 10,000 inhabitants. It received the reputation of being one of the most violent towns in America during its hay day and was located in North/Eastern California. What was the name of this now ghost town?
A. Bodie
B. Calico
C. Garnet
5. Armored tanks made their first appearance in what war?
A. Korean War
B. World War I
C. World War II
6. What is the highest number of deaths that have occurred on Mount Everest in a single day?
A. 17
B. 23
C. 27
7. TRUE or FALSE – SOTA stands for – Summits On The Air
8. Milk Dud candy is made by whom?
A. Mars Candy Company
B. Nestle Chocolates
C. The Hershey Company
9. How long is an Olympic size swimming pool?
A. 144 feet
B. 164 feet
C. 174 feet
10. How many times was Frank Sinatra married?
A. Just once
B. 3
C. 4
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